Zygmunt Duczyński


JUNE 2012

June 6th, 13th, 20th, 27th (Wednesdays), from 6 p.m./ admission free / Kana Cellar

LANGUAGE TANDEMS - open meetings.

LANGUAGE TANDEMS - open meetings.

The idea is very simple: a language-tandem is an open meeting (for free!) for at least two people of different origin, who in a relaxed conversation teach and learn one from another their mother tongue. In Kana Cellar you can just arrive, order a hot cup of chocolate and start a conversation in the language of your choice. On each table there's a sign, indicating the language spoken there. The languages of conversation are: Polish, German, English, Spanish, French, Italian. If there are people wanting to speak in other languages, we will gladly arrange a new table!

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