Zygmunt Duczyński


JUNE 2012

June 3rd, 10th, 17th, 24th (Sundays), from 11.30 a.m. / admission free / Kana Cellar

PAIDOCRACY OR THE CHILDREN GOVERNMENTS - family Sundays in the Kana Cellar.

PAIDOCRACY - family Sundays

The youngest will take over the Kana Cellar every Sunday. All those for whom the presence of children and a colorful mess are inspiring please feel invited. We wish to provide a space to spend some together-time in a relaxed, creative atmosphere. While the kids play in a Garden of Skills - a place of free creative expression, full of educational games, toys, books, utensils for drawing and painting on the wall - the parents and carers can relax over a cup of delicious coffee with friends, a book or a laptop (wireless internet is available on the premises). Our program is intriguing and diverse, there's certainly something for everyone. Family Wellness Space is tailored to meet the needs both of the Little and the Bigger, who are welcome to co-create Pajdokracja.

More info at

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