Zygmunt Duczyński


MAY 2012

May 12th - - - 8:00 p.m. - - - Kana Theatre - - - Admission: 10 PLN

RTG - Roland Topor Games - theatre piece by Teatr W Krzywym Zwierciadle.

RTG - Roland Topor Games

Roland Topor Games is an artistic variation on the works of French writer Roland Topor, known from his grotesque and macabresque style and black humour. RTG invites to a mad game rolling out in a surreal world of nonsense, where the etiquette and taboos disappear, setting free an unlimited imagination that leads astray. What really is normality? What indicators can one use to measure it - is it measurable at all? And if those indicators do exist, are they fair and applicable to everybody?

Directed by: Michał Krzywaźnia

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