Zygmunt Duczyński


Dec. 3rd, 4th, 5th >>> in Kana Theatre

Meeting with "Teatr Provisorium & Kompania Teatr" from Lublin.


This educational project aims at bringing the student- and oppositional culture of the 70s and 80s close to the viewer and tries to focuss on the role of art as an "answer to reality" also in our times. Within the context of the project there will be workshops, meetings, film-showings and performances. In december we invite you to the meeting with the "Teatr Provisorium & Kompania Teatr" as well as to their performance of "Ferdydurke" based on the novel by Gombrowicz.

TEATR PROVISORIUM (Lublin) - one of the most influential theatregroups rooted in the polish student culture, established in 1976 (since 1996 in cooperation as "Teatr Provisorium & Kompania Teatr"). Their performances, which are very much based on literature (inspired a.o. by the works of Gombrowicz, Milosz, Hlaska, Dostojewski, Rilke, Jerofijew, Camus, Musil, Rozewicz) and independant culture, are a deep, multilayered understanding of the existential situation of man in the situation of eternal choice; many of the performances also touch the theme of "polishness", pointing at the simultaneity of tragic and comic elements resulting from our national traits and customs. The group is regarded as one of the pillars of the alternative and oppositional theatre. Founder and director is Janusy Oprynski.

KOMPANIA TEATR (Lublin) - founded in 1995 by three graduats of the faculty of puppetry on the PWST in Warsaw: Witold Mazurkiewicz, Jarosław Tomica i Michał Zgieta. The theatres actors are linked by their mutual view on theatre and their 10 years of experience in state theatres. They closely work together with the "Teatr Provisorium" but still by creating their own performances and project keep their artistic independence.


The performance won 18 awards, a.o. the First Fringe on the World Festival of Arts in Edinburough, the Grand Prix on the Festival of the small theatrical Form in Riejc (Croatia), the Grand Prix of the festival "Tempus Art" in Roznav (Slovakja), the award for the New Formula of Theatre on the KONTAKT festival in Torun, the Grand Prix on the "Konfrontacja Teatralna - Klasyka Polska" in Opole, the Grand Prix of the Kontrapunkt festival in Szczecin. It was performed in: Schottland, Croatia, Egypt, Austria, Bosnia, Rumania, Belarus, Slovenia, Germany, Italy, Ukraina, Slovakja, Sweden, Japan, Russia, France, Latwia, Spain, USA.

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